YES! I’ve finally reached the point in my life where I can say “that’s so high school” when referring to juvenile behavior.
Speaking of “that’s so high school” behavior, the other ‘boy’ who can now share the title HWSRN has formed another weirdo/mind-boggling/”friendly” attachment to me once again. Could it be because of what I confessed in a cliche manner in a momento that will be cherished kept for the rest of our lives? Is this some sort of test (as in how long can you hold out…)? Is that why HWSRN wants to hang out with me?? To riddicule me in front of his HBHGF (Hill Billy HoBo Girl Friend) to point and laugh at my too late declaration of admiration?? And if not, this is pretty sick/annoying because HWSRN has a girlfriend and I DON’T like CHEATERS!!
Here’s a low down of ‘the cheater’s paradox’: ”Let’s say a girl is attracted to some boy who has a girlfriend. and then the guy with the girlfriend decides, like, What the hell? We’re not married, We’re just hanging out. I can hook up with this other girl if I want to. It seems obvious to me that any self-respecting girl would realize that the guy’s decision to cheat on his girlfriend would make him an undesirable person to hook up with, right? And the guy who wants to cheat should be turned off by any girl who is willing to hook up with someone else’s boyfriend. Being so, morally bankrupt should cancel out all the attractive qualities that tempt you to cheat..right?”
Well where was I?…hmm oh yeah! He HWSRN needs to move on. I mean I moved on. Or like the Backstreet Boys once sang “Quit playing games with my heart” But I did (or do) appreciate his friendship (yeah I’m getting all bipolar in this post) But I can’t help but be condescending. It’s a love-hate relationship thing. (HWSRN puts up with me and I keep on hating) Argh. I’m all flustered. (well not in “that” way) I think I already knew that we wouldn’t work out. And it’s not just because I’m a cynical person it’s because I tend to see the end before things begin. (yeah this might be a slight problem in the future but we only mature with age..right?). Well I shouldn’t be so harsh on the dude HWSRN I mean I’ll always remember him HWSRN as my high school crush-to-end all crushes. (if that even counts as a redeeming quality)
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